Airbnb for Work dashboard overview

Step 1: Accessing your dashboard

You can access your dashboard by logging in to your Airbnb account.  Click your profile photo in the upper right corner and select Airbnb for Work. Select Visit your dashboard.

Step 2: Using your dashboard

The Airbnb for Work dashboard is split up into 6 tabs: Trips, Reporting, Invoices, People, Settings and Notifications.

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A view of the Airbnb Dashboard which highlights Active Trips, with options to also view Confirmed Trips, Completed Trips and trips marked as Needs attention.

Trips provides an overview of employees’ active, confirmed, and completed trips booked by employees or other authorized travelers. For each trip you’ll find traveler name(s), destination details, and trip dates.


A view of the Airbnb dashboard with reporting statistics, including the amount of guests booked, the total amount spent, and the average daily rate of the trip.

Reporting shows your organizations’ number of nights booked, total amount spent, and average daily rate across your company. You can also export CSV reports from this page.


Review invoices from your trips booked by employees or other authorized travelers. Each item will include the invoice number, date, due date, and amount due.


The section of the Airbnb dashboard marked People, which lists all of the people associated with an account and their role.

Find, add and remove employees or other authorized users from your company’s account. Set up teams within your organization and assign payment methods to the appropriate teams.  


Update Account information, Payment methods, Employee access and Notification settings.  Connect your dashboard with duty of care providers, and online booking and travel management tools and integrations. 

The general settings page which has basic company information and the address for the company, which can be edited.

The Employee access tab allows you to add additional company email domains used by your employees.

A view of the employee access section of the Settings page, with a list of email domain extensions associated with the account.

 As an administrator for your company, you can add a company-wide payment method and employees of your company can charge their travel to a shared company credit card. Or, you can add team specific payment methods and assign different payment methods per team.

The Payment section of the Settings page for entering payment information associated with an account.


The Notifications section of the Settings page where email notifications can be added or managed based on prices of trips or booked reservations.

Review employee account status, role change requests, and new team requests.