Booking on behalf of someone else

After you’ve selected a listing, proceed to the check-out page.

Step 1: Select work trip at check-out

In order to book a listing for someone else, you must select the booking as a work trip. Select button “Is this a work trip?”

The Confirm or Pay page with an option for "Is this a work trip"

Step 2: Book this place for someone else

Select “Add” under “Book this place for someone else” to start searching for a specific traveler.

If this is a work trip, several new options will display beneath the toggle in the confirmation form

Step 3: Search for traveler name

Use the search bar to find a traveler within your organization by name or email address. If a traveler’s name or email doesn’t appear or is outside of your organization, select “Add a new traveler”.

The traveler search window that can be used to find travelers to add to a trip

Step 4: Confirm traveler

Once you’ve found or added the traveler, click “Save” to add them to the booking.

In some cases, travelers may need to complete their Airbnb profile, grant permissions to book on their behalf, or create an Airbnb account. Don’t worry—you can complete the booking in the meantime and we’ll guide you and the traveler how to complete the rest.

Step 5: Complete the booking

The traveler is now added to this booking. Complete the booking by selecting “Confirm and pay”

Step 6: Booking Confirmation

Once the above steps are complete, you’ll receive a confirmation message.

The booking confirmation screen

You’ll also receive confirmation via email.

If the traveler you’re booking for needs to complete additional steps, we’ll keep you informed on the status and send a reminder to the traveler to complete their profile.